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Create collections from folders in Eleventy

June 23, 2022

If you want to create a collection from a folder in your Eleventy project, like a collection of blog posts in the posts folder, you could manually add a post tag to every post. But there is an easier way.

The Collection API in Eleventy lets you filter your pages by glob patterns:

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts", function (collectionApi) {
return collectionApi.getFilteredByGlob("posts/*.md");

This will create a collection "posts" that contains all the markdown files in the posts folder.

Type-safe factory deps in Angular with inject()

June 5, 2022

A factory function provider in Angular can have dependencies using the deps property.

providers: [
deps: [MyService],
useFactory: (myService: myService) => {
return myService.someMethod();
export class MyModule {}

The problem is that you need to write the dependencies twice: once for the deps property and once as arguments of the useFactory function. Thanks to the new inject() function in Angular 14 there is now a better way to inject dependencies.

Call the inject() function and pass your dependency (here MyService) as argument. It will provide you the dependency and the return value is type-safe.

import { inject } from "@angular/core";

providers: [
useFactory: () => {
const myService = inject(MyService);
return myService.someMethod();

// Or as a one-liner:
// return inject(MyService).someMethod();
export class MyModule {}

Switch to the previous git branch with git switch

May 31, 2022

After switching to another branch, you can use the git switch - command to switch back to the previous branch without having to reenter the name:

# Feature branch is active
$ git branch --show-current

# Switch to another branch
$ git switch main

# Do some work ...

# Switch back to "feature/some-feature"
$ git switch -

Inject the unique app id of your Angular app

May 31, 2022

Angular generates a unique id for your app which is available via APP_ID injection token. This is useful if you are in a micro-frontend with multiple Angular apps on the same page and you need a unique value.

import { APP_ID } from "@angular/core";

export class MyComponent {
constructor(@Inject(APP_ID) private appId: string) {
console.log("App id:", appId); // Example: "pvu"

Angular uses the app id for prefixing your CSS selectors when using ViewEncapsulation.Emulated. You can define your own id by providing the token as a provider in your app module:

import { APP_ID } from "@angular/core";

// ...
providers: [
provide: APP_ID,
useValue: "42",
export class AppModule {}

Eleventy supports Nunjucks globals

April 21, 2022
#eleventy #njk

Eleventy v1.0.0 (and above) supports Nunjucks globals. This lets you register a global value or function that is available in all Nunjucks templates.

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) {
// Register two globals, a static value and a function
eleventyConfig.addNunjucksGlobal("message", "Hello World");
eleventyConfig.addNunjucksGlobal("greeting", (name) => `Hello ${name}`);

Now you can use {{ message }} and {{ greeting('John') }} in your Nunjucks templates.

A more useful example is a global function that generates a unique id. You may need this if you want to connect a label with its input or for aria-labelledby and aria-describedby. Here I use the nanoid package to generate the id:

const { nanoid } = require("nanoid");
module.exports = (eleventyConfig) =>
eleventyConfig.addNunjucksGlobal("nanoid", () => nanoid());

Now you can create a new unique id, assign it to a local variable and use it to connect two HTML elements:

{% set id = nanoid() %}
<article aria-labelledby="{{ id }}">
<h2 id="{{ id }}">...</h2>

In the example above we connect the h2 with the article element using aria-labelledby.