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Not a Number (NaN) Cheatsheet

A Cheatsheet about Not a Number (NaN) in JavaScript.

Properties & Functions

JavaScript has the global NaN property and two functions to check for NaN values.


  • Represents Not-A-Number

  • Is the result of expressions that should produce a number but failed (e.g. parsing the string "hello" as a number)

  • Is of type number
    (typeof NaN === 'number')

  • Fails equality comparison
    (NaN === NaN is false)

isNaN() 👎

  • Checks if the value is NaN after parsing it to a number

  • Returns true if the value is NaN

  • Returns true if the value can't be parsed to a number (like "hello")

  • Returns false if the value can be parsed to a number (like "42")

  • Returns false if the value is a valid number (like 42)

Number.isNaN() 👍

  • Checks if the value is NaN (without parsing the value to a number)

  • Returns true if the value is NaN

  • Returns false for all other values

Producing NaN

There are several ways to produce a NaN value.

Convert to number

Converting a value to a number that can't be converted to a number results in NaN.


Not a real number

Doing a math operation where the result is not a real number results in NaN.


Operation with NaN

Doing a math operation with NaN results in NaN.

42 + NaN

Indeterminate form

Operations that are in indeterminate forms produce NaN.

undefined + undefined

Operation with string

Doing an operation with a string that can't be parsed to a number produces NaN, except for addition operations (which join the values).

"hello" * 2


The table below shows for each value the result of the operators and functions.

const x =typeof xparseInt(x)Number(x)isNaN(x)Number.isNaN(x)x === x

The isNaN() function returns true whenever Number() returns NaN. The parseInt() function works different than Number() but this doesn't affect the result of isNaN().